Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Girls' Weekend

I had an awesome weekend with Julia and Christine. We stayed in a cabin in the mountains about 40 minutes from Chattanooga. We didn't do much of anything but relax and shop a little. It was a much needed trip! We did stop at the University of the South and WOW what a beautiful campus. They had this amazing chapel. I wish I would have taken my tripod in so I could have gotten my exposure better. It was dark in the chapel so I wasn't able to get my shutter speed low enough without my shaking hands ruining the picture. I'm going to try and fix it in Photoshop but haven't had time to play around with it. Here are some of my favorite shots

I can't believe they actually consider this a "chapel"

I loved the choir loft/altar area. The seats were like a church pew but they were for individual people. The backs went high up the wall

This is a view of all the seats on one side. The wood carving was beautiful.

These were at the end of every seat

A rose window with part of the pipes from the pipe organ. I wish we could have heard it being played!

The beautiful ceiling

Some fun shots of Julia and Christine

We had fun playing Mexican Train dominos. After we finished I looked down at our "train" and thought it was really funny. Can you figure out whose train was the school teacher's and whose was the accountant?

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