Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our New Addition

Let me introduce you to our new addition to the family. His name is Cullen “Cullie” and he is named after Edward Cullen from the Twilight books. A big thank you to Christine for the suggestion!!

We got him from some random cab driver, LOL. David and I really loved his solid gray brother but Reese insisted on having Cullie. I think she was dead on too. Cullie allows her to carry him everywhere! He is so good with her and I know that we made a good choice in getting him. He and Rammie took a few days to get acclimated but they are now best buds. Rammie even bathes him now. They do chase each other around and we’re hoping Rammie will shed a few pounds. Those who have seen him know that it’s more than a few!!!

This was his very first bath and he did really well. Reese wanted to get IN the tub with him. He was filthy because he was living in a garage.

He has gorgeous gold eyes!

See how good he is!

She loves to hold him like a baby

He really does love her too!

I hope he becomes the companion to Reese that Toby was for me.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I LOVE Cullie's coloring! Gorgeous kitty!

Congrats on the newest addition. Looks like Reese has a new best friend....i too hope he becomes a long time companion for her too!