Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Use caution when speaking to a toddler…

This post may be a little delicate for some, so proceed with caution! :)

Yesterday my mom graciously picked Reese up from daycare for me. I run by their house to pick her up and then we had to go pick up the new kitty from the vet (more about Cullen later). Well, mom brought Reese out to my car because she knew that I was in a hurry. I pick Reese up and set her down in her car seat. She pops back up and says “My boody (aka booty) hurts!” So, I of course ask her if she has to go to the bathroom. She says “no” and then I do the next thing to check to make sure her bottom is clean. Mom runs in to get a wipe for me and we check in the driveway :). All clean. I tell Reese everything looks good and she actually goes back into her seat. She is very excited that we’re picking Cullie up from the doctor.

Fast forward to the vet’s office and I’m chatting with the woman up front. Reese feels left out so she asks me to pick her up so she can see the lady too. Reese then pipes up and says “I don’t need to see the doctor anymore. It doesn’t hurt.” The woman then asks the dreaded question “Really sweetie, what hurt?” I actually was going to try and stop her because I knew what was going to happen. But, she said it too fast. Reese looks her straight in the eye, crinkles up her nose, cocks her head to the side and said very matter-of-factly “My boody. It was hurting.” The woman cracks up and responded “Really, that’s good it doesn’t hurt anymore.” I apologized and the woman told me that she is the one that asked and that she has a 5-year old. I thought for sure Reese was going to say “It was all clean” but she didn’t. I guess I really should consider myself lucky because it could have been much worse! :)

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