Monday, September 29, 2008

So Insightful

Last night the 3 of us went to our favorite place for dinner....Willy's! Reese wanted to sit out on the patio and eat outside. It was a very pleasant evening and Reese was being a good girl and eating her quesadilla. The football game was on and David and I were discussing something about the game. Reese interrupts us to ask.........."Will I have big boobies?" I just looked at David and he said "yes, that's what she said." We just stared at one another and ignored it. So, she repeats herself LOUDLY again. She had this intense look on her face like she was trying to solve world hunger. I looked straight at her and said "Yes, pumpkin. It's inevitable."

Friday, September 26, 2008

And so it begins......

Last night's incident will probably be the beginning of many more to come. Reese was having a hard time last night falling asleep and coming out of her room with a million excuses. We'd end up putting her back and she'd cry. So, the last time she came out because her nose was running. David put her back in her room with a tissue and told her to blow it. 5 minutes later she comes out saying "it's stuck". I hear David saw "OMG Erin she's shoved tissue way up her nose. You've got to come and help me." She had tissue shoved WAY up her nose. She followed instruction very well and tilted her head back and was still while I put tweezers up her nose and pulled out a 2 inch piece of tissue. She seemed to think that was amazing. And so it begins.....

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sleepover fun!

One fun thing that we try and do every few months is get together with my sorority sisters for a play date. It gives us a chance to catch up and see the changes in our little ones. This time I decided to spend the night with my good friend Julia and her daughter Darbi. Christine decided to join in on the fun and it was a total girls' night!

Darbi and Reese having a great time riding in Darbi's jeep!

Christine helping to give Reese and Darbi their bath.

Bath time fun!!!!

All tucked in for the night. However this didn't last. My kiddo chickened out, LOL!

The next morning at the actual play date. This is the daredevil that I have to deal with!

A big grin to finish out the day!

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Sorry that I haven't been able to update in a while. Life has just gotten so busy! I am well into my new position and it is so demanding. We are in the middle of budgets and I'm neck deep in spreadsheets! I'm glad that I decided to take the position and it has added a challenge in my professional life that I needed. I promise to update more often!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

MY BABY IS 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had a great family day on Reese's birthday. We went to a "safari" park where you drive around. I use the term "safari" loosely because it was mostly cows and deer, lol. There were some zebra, buffalo, and giraffe. She had a great time though. All of these animals came up to the van we rented. I was happy to be in the back with Reese where there were bars. I have to say that I was absolutely scared one of those nasty animals was going to lick me! Reese actually fed one baby deer. I was very proud of her!

The nasty van that we rode in.

David driving the van. Take a look around him at all the nastiness!

Here is a shot at what one of the vans look like. Nasty, ratty things that were painted with zebra stripes. There was no way I was driving my car through there!

Here you can see one of the cows coming up to David through the driver window. Take a look to the right of David's wrist. That is the cow's tongue! EWWW!

Here is me trying to feed the animals. Most of the time I screamed and tried to throw it in their mouth. Man I'm such a city girl!

And this was how we ended our day. Reese blew her candle out and that was the end of her birthday. Wow I'm sad!!! I have a 3 year old. Where did the time go?????

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No more pacis!

We have been telling Reese for about a month that when she turns 3 there is no more pacis. I have to thank Super Nanny (she's the best!) for part of our plan. Every night before she went to bed we told her that when she turns 3 she has to give her pacis to the "new babies". So, we had her put all of her pacis in an envelope and put them in the mailbox. Then the paci fairy will come and get her pacis and take them to the new babies. Then the paci fairy would leave her a present. So, that's what we did and she's only asked for them ONE time! She does have some difficulty at night relaxing but we're making progress. But, I had to take some pictures of her last time with her paci.

Yeah, I hear you all now "wow, she's 3 and still had a paci." I bet you have some things you're hiding!! :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Reese's 3rd B-day Party

It was all Dora for Reese's party this year. I have to say that it was so much fun this year because Reese knew what was going on and was just having a blast! Here are some highlights of her party. A big "thank you" to Fran for being my photographer for the day!

She loved her Dora the Explorer bounce house!

Reese and Brady having the time of their lives jumping.

Brady was very sad his Daddy wouldn't come back in and jump with him.

All of that jumping is hard work!

Reese and her future husband :)

Her yummy cake

This is what Reese does anytime she gets nervous. That hand goes right into her mouth.

The adults had margaritas (hey, it went with the Dora theme!) so I knew Reese would want some too. So, her wonderful Aunt Ryan made her own "special juice".

Reese opening up her presents

You know Daddy had to get in on the action!

A hard day of partying!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Girls Trip to PCB!

It's been a crazy few weeks but they have been fun and interesting. The first thing I did was go to FL with some of my sorority sisters. We had a great time and have decided to take a cruise around the Greek Isles in 5 years. I can't wait!!!! Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip.

This is a picture of all of us sans Kallie. She had to learn the hard way she's not 20 anymore :)

Me and my best friend Michelle.

A cute picture of toes in the sand.

Maghan in action.

Melissa enjoying the ocean.

April enjoying the time out on the beach!