Monday, July 21, 2008

"Is that poo or are you just happy to see me???"

OK, I've debated putting this in my blog but I have to for posterity's sake! David is probably going to kill me too!!! Well, last month Reese asked David if his "man parts" was his tail. Now, that was funny just in itself but the latest "tail" saga gets even better!! This weekend while I was gone David was fully clothed (learned his lesson!) and was in the kitchen. Reese goes up to him and says "Daddy! You poo poo in your panties!!" David responds with "No Reese I didn't." She says "Yes you did! Come 'er!" She then proceeds to chase him around the kitchen to show him! Yes, the poo poo is his tail. Ah, the joys of being a dad to a little girl.

1 comment:

Sharold said...

I love this story...crazy girl!!