Thursday, July 17, 2008

Giddy Up!

Reese has always been obsessed with wearing her cowgirl hat. It started at a very early age and has progressed and matured with time. I want you to think of John Wayne and how he talked in all of his western movies. Now think of a little 2 year old girl trying to talk in a deep voice with a tone just like John Wayne. Reese now walks around in her cowgirl hat saying "How ya doin', pardner" (she can't fully pronounce her "t's"). She even moseys! The lastest thing she did last night was while she was sitting on the potty (fully naked I might add) she took a necklace and placed it around her knee and pretended she was holding a bridal.

This is where the love started. Her "granmudder" got her this hat on her 1st birthday. My mom bought her a new one but she still tries to stick her big ole melon in this one! Wow, I can't believe she's going to be 3!!!

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