Sunday, July 13, 2008

The little things..

This is my very first post, yay!! I decided instead of sending out emails and clogging up people's inbox I'd start a blog to talk about the things that are going on with us. So, these will be my random ramblings about myself and my baby girl (with a little splattering of David :))

I spent the weekend cleaning out closets and getting bags ready for goodwill because we are having people over to measure for carpet. Boy, do we need it! So, David was a great daddy and took the lead in entertaining our daughter. Who, knew it'd be so easy? We found one of her aqua doodles she got for Christmas from David's cousin's family (thanks Rodney and Kym!) and she just loved it so David went out and got her some more. She spent a good hour or more "painting" with water. Best thing ever!

We decided today to take Reese to the movies and we were so surprised at how well she did! We went and saw Kung-fu Panda and she sat in my lap or David's lap the entire time. We got there right as the movie was starting so I wasn't able to take a picture of her in the actual theater so I made David pose for one after!

Oh, and one other thing to mention. Only one potty accident this entire weekend and it was a little one!

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