Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Class Session #2

My second photography lesson was overwhelming!!! She did go over our homework from the previous week and I got a compliment. She said "good composition"! YAY! I felt like I was back in school and I had to solve a problem on black board. Fran (my great friend and co-worker for those that don't know) is taking the class with me. An hour before the class we were working on our home work :). That REALLY felt like old times!

Anyway, our first lesson was about white balance and how to set it on your camera. So, we had to provide examples. I'll show you a correct one and then a really bad one. Hopefully you can tell the correct one! I used my trusty adding machine (had for 8 years) as my model.

I am going to visit my friend Christine in Nashville this weekend and I'll work on my 2nd assignment. This one should be fun!

1 comment:

Fran said...

So like being in school again...the pressure to make an 'A'.