Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My baby girl is F-I-V-E

Where did the time go????  When did my baby girl grow up and become this little girl?  She still amazes me every day with all of the things she's learned and how she is more and more independent (when she wants to be).  Let's take a trip down memory lane!

Reese was 7lbs 12 oz 20 in long.  It was a "lovely" delivery!  I don't think Reese does anything easy!

Reese at her 1st birthday party.  Still no hair!
Reese 1

I was very fortunate to find the amazing Ann Galovich for Reese's 2 year portraits.  Reese ran all over Ann's lawn but she was still able to capture some amazing pictures of her.  She had a little bit of hair at age 2!
Reese 2

Ann once again captured beautiful portraits of Reese for her 3rd birthday.  This picture is my favorite picture of her EVER!  I just love the innocence on her face AND she has HAIR!!!
Reese 3

It always amazes me how Ann is able to capture a still and peaceful portrait of Reese every year!  She definitely has the touch.  Here is Reese last year for her 4 year portraits.
Reese 4

Reese's 5 year portrait was captured by Ann's photography partner Susie.  Reese is definitely a little girl and there isn't any more baby in her face!
Reese 5

My mom started the tradition with Reese's 1st birthday to bring her a cupcake on her actual birthday since we did a cake at her party.  Reese looks forward to it every year!


For her 5th birthday I got her a birthstone ring and mom got her a bangle bracelet
Every year I change the blog name based upon the age that Reese is.  But, since we've got another little on the way we have to incorporate Rowan is as well.  Stay tuned for the new name!

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