Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My baby girl is F-I-V-E

Where did the time go????  When did my baby girl grow up and become this little girl?  She still amazes me every day with all of the things she's learned and how she is more and more independent (when she wants to be).  Let's take a trip down memory lane!

Reese was 7lbs 12 oz 20 in long.  It was a "lovely" delivery!  I don't think Reese does anything easy!

Reese at her 1st birthday party.  Still no hair!
Reese 1

I was very fortunate to find the amazing Ann Galovich for Reese's 2 year portraits.  Reese ran all over Ann's lawn but she was still able to capture some amazing pictures of her.  She had a little bit of hair at age 2!
Reese 2

Ann once again captured beautiful portraits of Reese for her 3rd birthday.  This picture is my favorite picture of her EVER!  I just love the innocence on her face AND she has HAIR!!!
Reese 3

It always amazes me how Ann is able to capture a still and peaceful portrait of Reese every year!  She definitely has the touch.  Here is Reese last year for her 4 year portraits.
Reese 4

Reese's 5 year portrait was captured by Ann's photography partner Susie.  Reese is definitely a little girl and there isn't any more baby in her face!
Reese 5

My mom started the tradition with Reese's 1st birthday to bring her a cupcake on her actual birthday since we did a cake at her party.  Reese looks forward to it every year!


For her 5th birthday I got her a birthstone ring and mom got her a bangle bracelet
Every year I change the blog name based upon the age that Reese is.  But, since we've got another little on the way we have to incorporate Rowan is as well.  Stay tuned for the new name!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

5th Birthday Party

I decided that this year I just wasn't up to planning a party at the house.  I just wanted to pay and show up!  Reese was disappointed because this year she got to invite her classmates and she wanted to show everyone her room.  But, she still had a great time!  It was so nice not to clean up a house and come up with activities and a menu.  I also handed my camera over to Ryan and she took the majority of the pictures.  I really did let everyone do everything for me. :-)

I took this picture before everyone got there.  She looks so grown up!
This is Michelle's daughter Kaylynn.  She was the hit of the party!  My dad absolutely loves babies and he held her as much as possible.  She's such a good little baby letting so many people hold her.


Reese wanted a Princess and the Frog birthday party and picked out her cake.  She loved it and couldn't wait to eat it!
OK, I know this is all about Reese but OMG how huge am I????  I still have 2 months to go!!!





She did not want to keep this crown on her head
The parents had lots of fun too!






Reese did not know what to do in this ticket booth.  She just stood there while the tickets were blowing all around her.
Towards the end she was scared because everyone kept yelling at her to grab the tickets.  They ended up just giving her a hand full when she got out.

Over all it was a great day and I know Reese loved having all of her friends there to celebrate with her.  Now what is she going to want next year???

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Avery Ryan McNicholas-Silver (post 200!)

I am finally an aunt!!  Baby Avery was born 7/25 and Ryan and I flew to St Louis to meet him for the very first time.  He is such a cutie pie!

Colleen, Christie, and Avery


He was hungry!!

Ryan still has to work it even when she's taking a picture with an infant

Congrats Christie & Colleen!!  He's perfect!

Monday, August 9, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten

I can't believe that this day is here.  Where did my baby girl go??????  It was a little easier for me because we kept Reese at her same private school this year due to us not moving.  Hopefully everything works out next year where she is in public school for 1st grade.  I went into work late so I could be there for the occasion.  I think her favorite thing was getting to have a backpack!  She made sure that we left it and didn't take it with us.

I of course had to take some pictures.  I think I've been asking Reese to model too much because she proceeded to show me her "new poses"


This was taken in her classroom.  I'm still not quite sure what she was doing...