Sunday, June 14, 2009

Zoo Time again!

We met Michelle and Brady at the zoo for a day of fun. We decided to get passes this year so we plan on going as much as we can.

We always start the day off with the flamingos at the front of the zoo. Brady didn't really care for our choice.
Our next stop was the tree house. I quickly noticed that one of the monkeys was not being a good listener. His mother obviously had to put him in time out. :)
A sweet mommy relaxing with her baby
This picture was outside the reptile house. Reese and Brady were climbing on the Kimono dragon. He bucked Brady right off!

At the end of the day we went into Grant Park to have a picnic. After we ate we let the kiddos run around to get some energy out.

My daughter of course finds the most interesting things to play with. So gross!
Running to go look at the pond. They are hard to keep up with!

Brady took his time on the walk back. I love how the sun is shining on his face.
After all of the running it was time to catch some bubbles!
I love how this picture shows the bubble after Brady busted it. Just click on it to make it bigger

We of course have to see how bubbles taste!
Then there were the races!
And finally just a few cute shots of her! She's growing bigger every day!

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