Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Father's Day started off with breakfast in bed for Reese's dear ole dad. He got some Pillsbury cinnamon rolls (which he loves). It was so cute because Reese wanted to sit beside him and eat hers too. After David finished his breakfast I ushered Reese out of our bedroom and let him sleep in for an hour longer. She "helped" me in the kitchen as I slaved over the meal we were going to have with my family. We had kabobs on the grill (chicken, steak, shrimp) and a bunch of other sides that I made. We loaded up the car and headed to Ryan's house to play in the pool before we ate.

Reese hanging out pool side before she got into the pool. I was so shocked when my mom came home with this "adult" bikini last year. I do think she's adorable in it though!

I just love this picture of her. Crazy hair and all!
Hanging out with daddy
This is why we call her "Little Butt". Isn't it just adorable!!!!!

She loves playing with David in the pool. However, after this one she was done :)

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