Saturday, June 13, 2009


I can not even BEGIN to tell you how much I hate whining. You come home from a long day of work and you've got whining. You can have the perfect day out with your kiddo and when the day ends in whining it is just completely ruined. Whining is pay back for all the wrong things you did to your own parents when you were young. Whining just sucks plain and simple!! But according to Reese sometimes it is really quite useful...

We ate Willy's last night (which she whined about) and I was the lucky one that got to have the ultra whiny butt in the car with me for the drive home. (David drove Whiny Butt there and for the semi-fit she pulled that they were going to Willy's.) We noticed that there was a bug in the car so Reese whined for me to open my windows. She continued to whine to the bug to get out of the car. I'm telling you she went on and on and on and on whining that there was a bug in the car. We then realized that the bug was gone!! Do you know what she said????? "See Mommy I did it! My whining worked!" Grreatttt! It's like that just reaffirmed that whining was OK. And it clearly shows that she knows what whining is. Do you want to know what really happened to that poor, innocent bug???? She whined it to freaking death!!!

Oh and thank you for listening to me whine! :)


Vicki said...

Oh we're right there with you! Some days, she simply cannot be pleased. Everything is sooooo horrible....wah wah wah (not her words she uses, thank goodness, but her whining about EVERYTHING basically insinuates this!) Waaaah, Mommy took me to the park today...but WAAAAH...i wanted to go to a different park...and WAAAH, I dont want to go to THIS restaurant.... WAAAAAAH... you wont buy me candy, even though we have a GIANT bowl of it at home?! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

LOL. Makes you appreciate the happy good kid days more. ;-)

Misty said...

LOVE IT!!! :) :)