Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My not so "little" girl

Today my parents picked Reese up from school for me. *Thanks mom!* She was outside playing and just watching her made me realize that she is growing up so fast and that she is going to be 4 this year! Where did the time go?? Anyway, I get Reese in the car and tell her that she's grown up so much and that she's not my baby anymore. Her response? "Mommy, I'll be your baby. I'll grow down." How sweet is that! She also told me "Your mommy, my grandmudder, told me I get all of her jewelry when I get big. Mommy, I get yours too. All the rings, watches,..." She is learning young. All around it was just a great day!


Unknown said...

Ok - first of all...Mother! You are an Indian Giver. All of your jewelry gets split between your daughters (Ryan, Ryan and Ryan) - not your GRANDdaughter.
Just wanted to clarify since you are giving Reese incorrect information.

Yes she is growing up fast and I am loving every minute. :)

Erin said...

I was wondering if you or Christie would catch that first :). Yes, basically mom is giving everything to Reese. She told Reese if she had a little brother/sister she would have to share. Reese told her it would be a little sister, LOL.

Anonymous said...

I love how she said I will grown down. So sweet. Misty