Thursday, December 18, 2008

Oh the joy!

I had one of my proudest moments of motherhood yesterday...It was observation day for Reese's dance class and I was very excited! I couldn't wait to see everything that she had learned. I did have my concerns about being in there and her wanting to be with me the whole time. She did run to me quite a bit but that should have been the least of my concerns. Reese has a cold and has the sniffles. Well she is on her "lily pad" and says "I need a tissue." Before I could even find one she starts just blowing her nose, HARD. So there she sits with all of her other classmates with snot running all down her lip. That's not even the best part!!! After I get her all cleaned up (in front of all the other parents) she then starts to pick her nose. I tell her to stop and of course she continues. Next thing I know she stands up to show me she has one on both of her pointer fingers....NICE! At that point I start hearing some snickers coming from the other parents. I had to get up once again to get a tissue and get the offensive boogers off her fingers. So, yeah it was my proudest day of being a mother! :)


Vicki said... for the books! Too funny....

Anonymous said...

Love it!