Thursday, December 4, 2008

All I want for Christmas....

This is going to be the first year that Santa is a big deal in our house and so far it's been SO much fun! David had to run an errand one night and Reese started freaking out saying "I want it!!" They were still in the car so David kept asking her what it was. She responds with "Don't look, don't look, I'll SHOW you!" So she proceeds to drag him across the parking lot to show him this.

He tells her that she has to ask Santa for it. So being the New Age dad that he is he takes a picture and sends it to Santa (aka Mommy). As they are leaving the store she asks again for it and David repeats that she has to ask Santa. She tries to pull him back into the store to find Santa, LOL. Being the good parents that we are we now threaten her with calling Santa and let me tell you, it works like a charm (there is no shame here!) We do call periodically and she talks to Santa (which David loves when he's standing in a line at the grocery store :)) Tonight she told him that she's a good listener and that she's a big girl. And that she lives far away and has to use his reindeer to come to her house. Oh and that she wants a purple car for Christmas and a red one for her daddy (notice the other one in the picture).


Vicki said...

The power of toys IS amazing at this age!!!

Hehehe! Love how she is sure to include a car in there for Daddy when talking to Santa. How sweet!

So...ahem....will Santa be bringing the purple princess car?

Erin said...

He is bringing her a purple car for Christmas! We had to hurry and buy it before they sold out, LOL!

Anonymous said...

David was so creative in that idea! I have mentally stored it for when we have kids.