Thursday, December 25, 2008


Reese got her purple car! However, she's afraid to ride it!! UGH! She was beyond words when she saw that sitting in the living room. It was a great Christmas! She was sick due to a sinus infection but she still had a great time. After we opened presents we went to Ryan's house to have a big lunch. It was a great day!

Here is a picture laying her head in Nanny's lap. She told Nanny that she couldn't touch her, LOL. I swear that kid; she gets bossier everyday!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Reese looks like a showroom model in her car!!! hehe! Too cool! Paige was quite intimidated with her Jeep at first too....and it took her months to learn to steer it (was sooo frustrating to us as well). By summer's end she was a pro.