Monday, August 4, 2008

Master Manipulator!

The title sums it up in a nutshell. Reese has become a master manipulator. Last week David picked her up from school and she says "I want blue candy, mommy said yes". David gets home and searches all over the house looking for blue candy. He actually finds 2 different things and asks her if it's this blue bag of m&ms I got for potty training. She tells him "no", so he keeps looking and finds a sucker that has a blue bottom. I had actually got this for my friend Fran (Fran I never told you that I got you this b/c Reese took it!) and Reese tells him that was the blue candy mommy said "yes" about. Reese made up this entire story b/c we never discussed blue candy! Ugh, what am I going to do with her!!!!!!

More recent is her using the potty to get out of bed each night. She has to pee every 10 minutes! So annoying. I am learning that every stage of her life something gets easier but she always comes up with some new thing to keep us on our toes! She's my girl!

1 comment:

Fran said...

Oh, I am going to have to get that Reese! LOL! Too funny!