Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My final class :(

Yesterday was my final class of Digital 101. I can't believe the 6 weeks is over! Our final project was to be on a topic and I just couldn't come up with anything. We took Reese to the zoo on Sunday and I was hoping to get some shots there. Ugh, that was nearly impossible with a 2 year old! I wasn't going to submit anything, but Fran talked me into it. One neat thing was that our instructor asked to do a photo shoot with Fran and with me and Reese. I learned so much and I can't wait to practice and then take the Digital 102 class. Fran and I have both started new positions after our lay off so we need to concentrate!

This is a reflection of a flamingo in the water. If you're having a hard time seeing it, the flamingo's head is tucked into his body. This would be considered kind of abstract.

There is nothing that Reese loves more than water fountains!

Mean mommy took a picture of the water going up her nose.

It's Timon!

I thought this was a cool looking tree.

Reese picked out those horrible sunglasses!

Reese still loves those stinky flamingos.

I'm going to the beach with my sorority sisters this weekend and I can't wait!! YAY for a girls' trip!

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