Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blow Out!!!

Today was a scary day for me!!! I was driving down the interstate on my way to a meeting when I had frightening experience. I was in the left hand lane when I heard a load "pop" and I thought I had ran over something. I looked in my rear view mirror and didn't see anything so I kept on going. Then I realize that the car was slowing down and there was nothing I could do to speed up. You would have thought that would have been my first sign. Then I start feeling my car pulling and becoming hard to control. At that point a light starts to go off. I turned down my radio and sure enough I heard that dreaded sound!! I blew out my tire! I cross over 5 lanes to get to the side of the road. I didn't even get out and immediately called my dear, sweet husband. He came running and changed my tire. I actually have road side assistance that I pay for through AT&T mobile and I don't even know how to call it! But, I'm lucky that my husband loves me so much :) I just happened to have my trusty camera with me! I was actually trying to think of good composition and had my camera in manual with traffic whizzing by me!

The massive hole that almost took my life! This is actually on the side of the tire and not in the tread. The tire guy said it looked like something flew at my tire and punctured it because it went straight through to the core.

My strong husband to the rescue!

Such skill and grace under pressure!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Cool!! I didn't know you had a blog!
That blowout looks SCARY!! Glad you guys are safe - and yay for big strong husbands! ;)