Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Class Session #4

We had our 4th class this week and we learned all about printing. We have a field trip this weekend in a cemetery downtown. Then, Fran and I are getting our hair done!

Here are all of my assignments for this week. Fran and I went to the Botanical Gardens to find our subjects. We had to use the different rules of photography.

This is a flower that was in the conservatory and uses the rules of color, 3rds, and repetition.

This was actually a huge glass piece on top of a fountain. The rules that are used are depth of field and color.

This is part of the gate that lead down into the children's garden. The rules I used were filling the frame and repetition.

I loved the colors on this picture! This was a fountain that had metal leaves that the water ran down on. I used the rule of filling the frame and color.

It took me forever to take this picture! I had to wait for people to get out of my way! This is an example of leading lines, repetition, and framing.

And finally is a pretty daisy that was in one of the gardens. This used the rules of color and simple.

Fran and I are having lots of fun in this class. It is really stretching our accountant brains!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Last night I got a glimpse into my future. Reese wouldn't stay in her bed for the life of her! I finally had enough and got eye level with her and said "Reese, that is enough. Do NOT get out of this bed again!" She looked at me square in the eye and said in a sing song voice "I KNOW!" I struggled to keep a straight face and said "I mean it Reese". Her response? "I know mommy!" She then gave me a big ole kiss and reiterated the "I know". This is definitely a foreshadowing of her teenage years. In case you're wondering she didn't "know" because she came out of her room 5 minutes later!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Class Session #3

Last night was another very interesting night. Our assignment was aperture and shutter speed. I took my aperture picture while visiting Christine in Nashville. I got nice comments from our teacher so that's always good! The shutter speed I'm not sharing because it was awful, LOL! Next week's assignment is going to be difficult so Fran and I are going to go out shooting together. We need all the help we can get!

Monday, July 21, 2008

"Is that poo or are you just happy to see me???"

OK, I've debated putting this in my blog but I have to for posterity's sake! David is probably going to kill me too!!! Well, last month Reese asked David if his "man parts" was his tail. Now, that was funny just in itself but the latest "tail" saga gets even better!! This weekend while I was gone David was fully clothed (learned his lesson!) and was in the kitchen. Reese goes up to him and says "Daddy! You poo poo in your panties!!" David responds with "No Reese I didn't." She says "Yes you did! Come 'er!" She then proceeds to chase him around the kitchen to show him! Yes, the poo poo is his tail. Ah, the joys of being a dad to a little girl.

This way out!

I had a great time in Nashville with Christine this weekend! But, I do have to call her out on something. We went and saw Mamma Mia (great movie!!) and left around 10. We get in the car in the parking garage and I just start chatting away. I figure Christine lives there and should know her way around, right??? WRONG! I didn't realize that Christine was just going around and around the same level in the parking deck, LOL! She didn't realize that you had to go down a ramp to get out! I think we went around about 5 times before I realized what was going on. I had a great laugh!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Check, Check!

Reese had NO accidents yesterday! Applause please! We were even at the grocery store and she TOLD me she had to pee. YAY!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Giddy Up!

Reese has always been obsessed with wearing her cowgirl hat. It started at a very early age and has progressed and matured with time. I want you to think of John Wayne and how he talked in all of his western movies. Now think of a little 2 year old girl trying to talk in a deep voice with a tone just like John Wayne. Reese now walks around in her cowgirl hat saying "How ya doin', pardner" (she can't fully pronounce her "t's"). She even moseys! The lastest thing she did last night was while she was sitting on the potty (fully naked I might add) she took a necklace and placed it around her knee and pretended she was holding a bridal.

This is where the love started. Her "granmudder" got her this hat on her 1st birthday. My mom bought her a new one but she still tries to stick her big ole melon in this one! Wow, I can't believe she's going to be 3!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Class Session #2

My second photography lesson was overwhelming!!! She did go over our homework from the previous week and I got a compliment. She said "good composition"! YAY! I felt like I was back in school and I had to solve a problem on black board. Fran (my great friend and co-worker for those that don't know) is taking the class with me. An hour before the class we were working on our home work :). That REALLY felt like old times!

Anyway, our first lesson was about white balance and how to set it on your camera. So, we had to provide examples. I'll show you a correct one and then a really bad one. Hopefully you can tell the correct one! I used my trusty adding machine (had for 8 years) as my model.

I am going to visit my friend Christine in Nashville this weekend and I'll work on my 2nd assignment. This one should be fun!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The little things..

This is my very first post, yay!! I decided instead of sending out emails and clogging up people's inbox I'd start a blog to talk about the things that are going on with us. So, these will be my random ramblings about myself and my baby girl (with a little splattering of David :))

I spent the weekend cleaning out closets and getting bags ready for goodwill because we are having people over to measure for carpet. Boy, do we need it! So, David was a great daddy and took the lead in entertaining our daughter. Who, knew it'd be so easy? We found one of her aqua doodles she got for Christmas from David's cousin's family (thanks Rodney and Kym!) and she just loved it so David went out and got her some more. She spent a good hour or more "painting" with water. Best thing ever!

We decided today to take Reese to the movies and we were so surprised at how well she did! We went and saw Kung-fu Panda and she sat in my lap or David's lap the entire time. We got there right as the movie was starting so I wasn't able to take a picture of her in the actual theater so I made David pose for one after!

Oh, and one other thing to mention. Only one potty accident this entire weekend and it was a little one!