Thursday, May 31, 2012

Random May

Just a few random activites we did in May.
Christie came in town for her TWENTY year high school reunion and so we went to the East Cobb food festival.  Reese was trying so hard to hit that ball!
My Aunt Linda and Uncle Ernie had us over for breakfast.  My cousin Brian rode around with them on his back for a good 30 minutes.  It reminded me of how my Uncle Rodney used to do the same with us.
Ro loves to get in the Guinness' crate.  He should be happy she didn't kick him out this time!
We got caught in a crazy hail storm.  I've never experienced anything like this in my life!  It looked like it had snowed and then next morning it was still piled up on the side of the streets.
We are loving the new area where we live.  We went to a pizza pub and they had live music.  The girls loved dancing to it.  I snapped the below pictures of Reese because I thought she looked so pretty. :-)
And finally Reese had her last day of 1st grade!  She's growing up WAY too fast!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day

I've never been one to be spontaneous but I made a spur of the moment decision to take Reese to Florida and meet Christie, Colleen, Ryan, and Avery.  Reese and I left after work Thursday and drove until 1 AM to Pensacola, FL.  Reese did pretty good on the drive and I was proud of her.  My mom thankfully packed for me when I called her and my mom does my laundry so I had clean clothes all ready to be packed and go!  If it wasn't for that I would have never been able to go. 

We spent the majority of the time on the bay side
We never did get this water gun to work.  Reese was pretty disappointed by that.
Avery was not cooperating to take a picture :-)
My beautiful girl!!!
I let Reese go out with Christie on the jet ski despite my anxiety and panic.  She had a great time!  I actually went out with Christie as well.  I was SCARED!  I had my arms wrapped her so tight and don't tell her but I believe I peed on her. :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cute Boy

I straightened my hair today and David made a comment to Reese that there must be a new cute boy at work. Reese responded with "But you're a cute boy too and she already chose you."

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rock Star!

Reese insisted on wearing her sunglasses in the Y and they said "Oh wow, are you famous? Are you a rock star?" She pulls the glasses down on her nose and says "No, it's just me. I'm not famous." She was so serious!!!


Friday, May 4, 2012

Atlanta Botanical Gardens

We went to the Botanical Gardens while Christie was here for her high school reunion and it was an adventure!
Rowie leading the way!
Avery was getting ready to go into Peter Rabbit's garden
Ro's turn!
They both loved digging for fossils
Riding a cow and Avery was NOT impressed
Ryan likes to go on our adventures because she gets to be a kid again
I would love to know what they are saying...
This reminds me so much of my grandma on my mom's side.  She always walked with her hands behind her back and Rowie does as well. :)
Love her and love those cheeks!
They both got eye infections after playing in this water :-\
But they had a great time!
Avery is ALL boy.  He is obsessed with sticks and making them a "bay-ball bat"