Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Disney Studios

We spent day #3 at Disney Studios and I learned a VERY valuable lesson this day.  The next time we go to Disney World we have to take a break on day 3.  Honestly this was a nervewracking and stressful day.  We had bouts of fun but overall we just wanted the day to end.  The girls were extremely tired and just didn't have the patience for the long lines.  There isn't a whole lot for them to do at Disney Studios except watch shows and they did enjoy that but I have learned my lesson!  David and I would have liked to ride the adult rides but with the girls it just wasn't possible.

We started the day off with a character breakfast of some of the Disney Clubhouse shows.  I didn't know who some of these characters were but David cleared it up for me.  :-)

Reese was doing her best to dance with them, but my skinny girl's pants kept sliding down.  I promise that I have the cinched as much as I could!


This picture was actually from the next day.  David really wanted to ride the Star Wars ride so we went back first thing that morning and while David and Mary went to the ride I stood in the LONG line for the Toy Story ride.  Reese really wanted to ride it.  We tried to get a Fast Pass but this ride runs out of them before lunch time every day.  So, I stayed in line with both girls *by myself* for about an hour.  David and Mary join me in line with like 5 mins to go...you know everyone in line loved that.  :-).  Anyway there was this moving Mr Potato Head that would dance, sing, and tell jokes.  I took this picture and Reese turned around and was just staring at him.  The next thing we hear is "Hey you, little girl."  Reese gets this shocked look on her face and turns around and looks behind her.  He then says "Yes you.  I'm talking to you.  The little girl in the blue shirt."  Reese is super excited now, LOL.  He says "So....what's your favorite toy?"  I lean in and whisper to her "Say Mr. Potato Head" so she does and he says back to her "Awwwww, I like you too."  That totally made her day!

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