Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Before I tell you about our trip to NC for Memorial Day, I have a confession to make.  I am kind of embarrassed to even admit this....I now drive a mini van!  I never EVER thought I would drive a mini van.  I always swore that I would be an SUV driving momma.  That all went down the tubes when Rowan came along and now I have 5 year old stuff a long with baby stuff!  You would think my Pilot would be big enough.  I did get a pretty sweet Honda Odyssey Touring Elite van with all of the bells and whistles.  I need to get around to ordering a special tag that says "Sell Out"  I REALLY hope it is available!

We used the new van to make our trip to NC.  It was Rowan's first trip because she is a horrible car rider and we were hoping she would get better.  That doesn't look like it will be changing any time soon so we took the plunge and went.  We left Friday evening so both girls actually slept the majority of the trip.  The way back was rough at times but over all I didn't pull all of my hair out.

We spent the majority of our time there just relaxing.  We went to a public pool while we were there and Rowie went into the water for the very first time.  She loved it!  Reese had fun playing with David.  The next day we went to a BBQ at Mary's neighbors house and had a nice time.  They have chickens and they had a few chicks so Reese was very excited to hold one.  I am still in shock that she actually wanted to!  She acted like a little pro.


Rowan turned around at the last minute because she decided MeMa's hair was a lot more interesting than mommy's camera.



How cute it this???  Reese loves her Granny!

Aunt "Stubby"

I'm sure everyone wants to know when we will be coming up next.  I'm not sure yet since we are taking Reese on a surprise trip for Thanksgiving.  I'll give you a's magical! :)

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