Tuesday, January 4, 2011

We're Here!!

Tonight was one of those nights where David had to work late so I was on my own getting the girls into bed.  Rowan can be a fussy one and wants to be in on the action and not left to chill on her own.  Well, I had to wash Reese's hair and that is one thing that I can't do one handed.  So, I put Rowan in her crib and turned on her mobile and she was only happy for about a minute.  I told Reese we had to hurry because Rowan was crying.  Reese asked me "Why does Rowie always cry when you put her down?"  I told her "It's because she's lonely and thinks she by herself."  Rowan really started to let it wail and Reese called out from the tub "Rowie it's OK!!!  We're in the bathroom!!!  You're not alone!!  It's OK!"  She's such a good big sister.  There have been other times that Rowie is crying and I'm trying to get Reese out of the tub and she says "I got this mommy, go get Rowie!"

Rowan also had her two month check up.  She's such a shortie compared to Reese!!  She weighed 11 lbs 15 oz and was only 21 1/2 inches long.  She's 75% weight and 25% height.  Reese was always in the 70s so this is totally different.  The Dr said she was perfect (of course!) and checked her strength, etc.  Dr B put her on her stomach and she immediately flipped over for her.  Everything was great until it was time for the shots.  The poor thing had to get three :-(.  That night when I was taking off the bandaids Reese gave them a kiss and told Rowan that she was proud of her for being such a big girl.  I love that girl!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Awww Reese, you are such an AWESOME big sister!! :-D

Welcome to my world! LOL! Dylan always freaks when I need to put him down to help Paige get ready for bed. :-/ Ill even put him on a plush towel on the bathroom floor, right beside me while I wash her hair...and he still gets angry. Mama's arms or nothing!