Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Great Blizzard!!!

Well, it really happened.  I didn't believe it as it never seems to come true.  We got snow!  A LOT!  We got so much snow that the city basically shut down for 3 days.  My office actually closed for three days and that is extremely rare.  I of course had my trusty laptop with me so I didn't get the days totally off but it was still nice.  I made plenty of time for my girls.  Reese and I even roasted marshmallows on the fire one night.  David took Reese out to play in the snow.  We don't have any snow boots so I had to put grocery bags over her feet and sandwich bags over her mittens.  We've never really needed them before!  I am glad that over the weekend I got her a new warm coat as she had grown out of her other one.  The snow had a layer of ice on it so it was hard for Reese to make snow balls but she did her best!  I'm lucky that I have a husband that will go outside and play.  They stayed out for a good hour just walking around the house and David playing like he was Bumble the abominable snow monster.  I snapped a few pictures and then ran back inside!


Reese throwing a snowball

Notice the thick snow/ice


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