Tuesday, December 7, 2010

First Sick Visit :-(

Well, we had our very first sick visit today.  I noticed yesterday morning that Rowie had a rash on her tummy but I didn't think anything of it because she had just been crying and I thought she was flushed.  I didn't notice the rest of the day because when I changed her diaper I didn't see her belly.  Finally, when I gave her a bath that night I noticed that it was all over her.  She seemed fine and had been eating, no fever, etc.  But, I called the on call nurse (office had just closed) and since she didn't have a fever she said to just go into the office the next day. 

I loaded Rowan up and we went to the doctor this morning.  The Dr did freak me out a little because she just kept looking at it and said she thought it was a virus but it was very odd in a baby so young.  She tells me she wants the other doctors to view it so in they come and they all leave to discuss it.  I of course was starting to get concerned because they didn't do much discussing when they were with me.  Dr B comes back into the room and says that they aren't going to send me for blood tests or send me to the hospital because Ro didn't have a fever and was acting fine.  She did have a nurse take down everything and she was to call me tomorrow.

We were supposed to go watch Reese in her Christmas play but I didn't think it was a good idea to take Rowan to Reese's school.  So, mom graciously offered to watch her while David and I went to her play.  Reese immediately noticed that we didn't have Rowan with us.  She was a little bummed but she was still very excited that we came to her school.  She didn't have a main part and was way back in the choir loft so I didn't get any good pictures of her.  But, we did take some after.




Vicki said...

Obviously, she is better now....ever figure out what it was? Just a viral rash?

Erin said...

Yep, just a viral rash. We never found out exactly what it was.