Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We had our Christmas Eve get together at Mom's house this year since she had a new kitchen/living to show off.  Uncle Rod didn't come so that was a disappointment and this was the first year that Nanny didn't join us.  It's sad not having her there as we always celebrated at her and PawPaw's house.  I really miss those days.  But, we still had a nice time!  Ryan and John came into town to meet Rowie and I was happy to show her off :-)

Notice how dark Ryan is.  Apparently when you move up north you get tanner...IMG_5746_edited-1

Our first family picture.
Me and my girls!
Reese always has a great time with Brian and Yvonne.  We weren't able to see them on Thanksgiving day and Reese actually asked about them.  I think that Brian plays with Reese like Uncle Rod did with us growing up.
It was just a great evening to spend with everyone. 

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