Friday, December 31, 2010

Rowan-2 Months

I couldn't take pictures of Avery and not snap a few of Rowan.  I literally took these in about 5 minutes because as you will see she wasn't really thrilled towards the end. 



I love the little booty!


She was ready for our little session to end!  Notice her hair...I call her my little rooster.

Avery-5 Months

Christie and Avery made the trip from St Louis to meet Rowie for the very first time.  While Christie was here she asked me to take some pictures of Avery.  He is just the cutest thing EVER!!!!  He's such a happy baby and so much bigger than Rowan. I hurt my back just picking him up!  I know as he gets older Reese and Rowan will have so much fun playing with their cousin.  I took 100 pictures of Avery but I will try and only share a sample :-).










Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We had our Christmas Eve get together at Mom's house this year since she had a new kitchen/living to show off.  Uncle Rod didn't come so that was a disappointment and this was the first year that Nanny didn't join us.  It's sad not having her there as we always celebrated at her and PawPaw's house.  I really miss those days.  But, we still had a nice time!  Ryan and John came into town to meet Rowie and I was happy to show her off :-)

Notice how dark Ryan is.  Apparently when you move up north you get tanner...IMG_5746_edited-1

Our first family picture.
Me and my girls!
Reese always has a great time with Brian and Yvonne.  We weren't able to see them on Thanksgiving day and Reese actually asked about them.  I think that Brian plays with Reese like Uncle Rod did with us growing up.
It was just a great evening to spend with everyone. 

Monday, December 13, 2010


I get asked quite a bit for updated pictures of Rowan.  I thought before I had her that I would constantly be taking pictures but I find myself just too tired to do it.  I had the girls by myself tonight and we were all relaxing on Reese's bed before bedtime and I decided to snap a few pictures.  So here are a few pictures from my "photo shoot".







Tuesday, December 7, 2010

First Sick Visit :-(

Well, we had our very first sick visit today.  I noticed yesterday morning that Rowie had a rash on her tummy but I didn't think anything of it because she had just been crying and I thought she was flushed.  I didn't notice the rest of the day because when I changed her diaper I didn't see her belly.  Finally, when I gave her a bath that night I noticed that it was all over her.  She seemed fine and had been eating, no fever, etc.  But, I called the on call nurse (office had just closed) and since she didn't have a fever she said to just go into the office the next day. 

I loaded Rowan up and we went to the doctor this morning.  The Dr did freak me out a little because she just kept looking at it and said she thought it was a virus but it was very odd in a baby so young.  She tells me she wants the other doctors to view it so in they come and they all leave to discuss it.  I of course was starting to get concerned because they didn't do much discussing when they were with me.  Dr B comes back into the room and says that they aren't going to send me for blood tests or send me to the hospital because Ro didn't have a fever and was acting fine.  She did have a nurse take down everything and she was to call me tomorrow.

We were supposed to go watch Reese in her Christmas play but I didn't think it was a good idea to take Rowan to Reese's school.  So, mom graciously offered to watch her while David and I went to her play.  Reese immediately noticed that we didn't have Rowan with us.  She was a little bummed but she was still very excited that we came to her school.  She didn't have a main part and was way back in the choir loft so I didn't get any good pictures of her.  But, we did take some after.

