Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nursery Painting

We took advantage of the long Labor Day weekend to make some progress on the nursery.  Mom and dad took Reese to the Silver family reunion and David and I painted Rowan's room.  I swore to myself after painting Reese's room that I was going to have it done early and not be 7 months pregnant.  Yeah, that didn't happen!!!!

Goodbye to the pink stripes!  I seriously had a moment when I put the first bit of color on the wall.  It took me and my mom weeks to paint these stripes on the wall.  It was also an end to Reese being my baby.   She didn't care in the least bit!  Her old room is the "baby" room and she loves being in a bigger bedroom.
Reese got home as we were painting the closet and she of course wanted to help!


The color was supposed to be grey but it has a purple undertone.  It wasn't exactly what I wanted but, OH WELL!!  I won't be painting it again!

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