Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Sick Baby!

Reese doesn't get sick very often.  She has actually only vomited one time and that was because she was coughing so hard.  I picked her up from school on Friday (my b-day) and we were going to go to Willy's to eat.  She started off OK but then got extremely cranky and whiny.  I thought she was tired so I told her to just close her eyes while we drove.  We sat down at Willy's and she just laid on me and then tried to lay down in the chair.  I felt her forward and she felt really warm.  I was concerned because she had her vaccinations earlier in the week so I thought she was having a reaction.  We headed home and I took her temp and it was at 102.6 and we put her right to bed.  The next day she was supposed to go to a birthday party so we kept her home and she actually took a nap!  That NEVER happens.  My dad came over to watch the football game and Reese laid down on the couch to watch it with him.  She was asleep in a few minutes.  When she woke up her fever was down to 99 and she acted fine so we let her go to my birthday at the Melting Pot.  She loved it and acted like her normal self.  So on Sunday she went to her very first Falcons game with David and Ryan and had a great time.  But, by the time she got home her fever was up again and she was cranky.  I kept her home the next day and David took her to the doctor.  It turns out she was fighting a virus and they weren't really able to tell us what it was.  But, we all survived! 



Falcons 2

Falcons 3

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nursery Painting

We took advantage of the long Labor Day weekend to make some progress on the nursery.  Mom and dad took Reese to the Silver family reunion and David and I painted Rowan's room.  I swore to myself after painting Reese's room that I was going to have it done early and not be 7 months pregnant.  Yeah, that didn't happen!!!!

Goodbye to the pink stripes!  I seriously had a moment when I put the first bit of color on the wall.  It took me and my mom weeks to paint these stripes on the wall.  It was also an end to Reese being my baby.   She didn't care in the least bit!  Her old room is the "baby" room and she loves being in a bigger bedroom.
Reese got home as we were painting the closet and she of course wanted to help!


The color was supposed to be grey but it has a purple undertone.  It wasn't exactly what I wanted but, OH WELL!!  I won't be painting it again!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Baby Shower

I have some awesome friends/family that offered to throw me a baby shower for Rowan.  They catered my favorite food, Willy's, and made it a family event.

Since the guys were invited to come beer was a necessity and so they had to drink it out of baby bottles.  I actually think they kind of liked it! 


We let the Reese and the kids open the gifts and it was complete MADNESS!!!!  Tissue and wrapping paper were everywhere and the gifts were flying!

I'm not sure what is so funny but it may be the fact that I am flashing everyone!!

A big thank you to Michelle, Fran, Julia, Christine, Ryan, and Christie.  We can't thank you guys enough!