Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Miss Smarty Pants

I tried once again to out smart my daughter.  When will I ever learn???  She was throwing toys out of her toy box trying to find her princess computer.  She couldn't find it (b/c I gave it away a year ago..shhh) and then decided to watch TV instead.  She leaves this huge mess in the middle of her floor.  I told her over and over to clean it up and she kept saying "In a minute, I'm relaxing"  I finally said that she needed to clean it up or I was going to throw it away.  She says to me "That's fine, I have too many anyway."  She then helps me decide what toys to put in the bag and what she wanted to keep.  She'd pick up an item and say "boring", "too noisy", or "old".  I will never stay one step ahead of her!

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