Sunday, June 27, 2010


This post is definitely not for those with a weak stomach! 

We have had issues with Reese eating her boogers.  Yes, I know that is absolutely disgusting and I just don't know why some kids do this.  Well, I was telling my best friend Michelle about it and she told me how her pediatrician told her son that eating your boogers causes worms.  Well, this was perfect for us because Reese is VERY aware of worms.  When Cullie was a kitten he had worms and Reese would see them on his bottom.  To this day Reese will check Cullie's bottom to see if he has worms.  Anyway, I inform Reese of this and she gets big, round eyes and says "I think I have worms!!!"  I then make up some parental mumbo jumbo about her being fine and that she'll get them from now on.  The next night we were having a chat in bed and she says to me "Mommy, I had a booger on my finger but I didn't put it in my mouth.  I put it back in my nose."  I swear I can't win with this kid!!!

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