Sunday, June 27, 2010


This post is definitely not for those with a weak stomach! 

We have had issues with Reese eating her boogers.  Yes, I know that is absolutely disgusting and I just don't know why some kids do this.  Well, I was telling my best friend Michelle about it and she told me how her pediatrician told her son that eating your boogers causes worms.  Well, this was perfect for us because Reese is VERY aware of worms.  When Cullie was a kitten he had worms and Reese would see them on his bottom.  To this day Reese will check Cullie's bottom to see if he has worms.  Anyway, I inform Reese of this and she gets big, round eyes and says "I think I have worms!!!"  I then make up some parental mumbo jumbo about her being fine and that she'll get them from now on.  The next night we were having a chat in bed and she says to me "Mommy, I had a booger on my finger but I didn't put it in my mouth.  I put it back in my nose."  I swear I can't win with this kid!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Father's Day (minus the father)

Ryan had the idea this year to rent a boat for Father's Day.  David actually had a weekend golf trip planned with his mom so he wasn't there.  I was stuck on the boat watching everyone have fun on the raft.  Bummer!
Reese was a little apprehensive at first but she ended up loving it!  Ernie would slow down and she would yell "Speed up!  Why are you slowing down???"


Mom chopped her hair off!
Brian and Yvonne had their turn!
Mom couldn't even look forward she was laughing so hard






Uncle Ernie was our skipper

The best part of the day was Reese trying to pee in the lake.  She would get a step or two down the ladder and then insisted on pulling her bathing suit bottoms down.  We had a long talk about when it was OK to pee in water.  Not a conversation I thought I would ever have!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

20 week ultrasound

I had the 20 week ultrasound today and the tech confirmed that it is a girl.  Mom still isn't convinced and won't be until she pops out.  I debated taking Reese to the u/s and I'm glad that I didn't!  I showed her the DVD tonight and she wasn't impressed at all.  I told her we were going to watch a baby movie and she complained that it was not a movie.  I then pointed out the arm/leg and she said "that's not an arm, that's a chicken leg!"  She then started crying because the baby was going to have a chicken leg for an arm.  I had to turn the movie off and comfort her and try to explain everything to her.  LOL!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Miss Smarty Pants

I tried once again to out smart my daughter.  When will I ever learn???  She was throwing toys out of her toy box trying to find her princess computer.  She couldn't find it (b/c I gave it away a year ago..shhh) and then decided to watch TV instead.  She leaves this huge mess in the middle of her floor.  I told her over and over to clean it up and she kept saying "In a minute, I'm relaxing"  I finally said that she needed to clean it up or I was going to throw it away.  She says to me "That's fine, I have too many anyway."  She then helps me decide what toys to put in the bag and what she wanted to keep.  She'd pick up an item and say "boring", "too noisy", or "old".  I will never stay one step ahead of her!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Christie's Residency Graduation

Ryan and I flew to St Louis to support Christie in her residency graduation.  It was a great night where the director of each program stood up and said a few words about the Dr that was graduating.  The Resident then took the microphone and had the opportunity to thank their family that was there and talk about their experience.  The dinner was fabulous and I would have really enjoyed that open bar!
Before we went into the reception we snapped a few pictures
Ryan, Christie, and Colleen
The Silver Sisters!


Colleen, Christie, and Colleen's mom Sue


Christie receiving her gift
Christie giving her "speech"
Christie presenting the director with a gift from her fellow Family Practice graduates
Christie with the director of her program
We thought the corsages looked like something from prom
Colleen threw a party the next night celebrating Christie's graduation.  The food again was fabulous and everyone looked like they were enjoying the open bar
I thought this strawberry looked like Audrey from The Little Shop of Horror...Ryan had no clue what that was!
Ryan with one of Christie's fellow graduates.  Reese saw this picture and wanted to know who Ryan was sitting with because it wasn't John!

Colleen and her brother Marty
More of Colleen's family

All of the doctors and some spouses from the Family Practice program
So proud of you Christie!  I'm glad that I made the trip to celebrate with you!!!