Sunday, September 6, 2009

Girls' Trip to Florida!!

My friend Misty was very gracious and allowed Reese and I, along with some Julia, Darbi, and Christine, to spend Labor Day weekend with her. We left very early Friday morning and made the long drive to the Florida coast. Friday night we ate at a very yummy burrito stand and headed to the beach to take some pictures. The bad thing is that a major storm was coming. It was also my first "real" attempt to get some shots of Reese on the beach. The quality of my pictures isn't good, but it was a real learning experience for me! You'll notice that most of my pictures are of Reese's back.

One of my favorite shots

Reese so upset with me, but I can't remember why...It was just any old day!

Crying with some storm clouds behind her

The incoming storm!!!

Such a Reese look!

She looked!

This wasn't even 30 mins later. She was filthy!

We went on Saturday to the Magic Kingdom. Julia pulled a tendon or something in her foot so she had to sit in a wheelchair. That is the way to go because we got to the front of the line! I lugged my camera around with me all day and this is the only picture I took! Ugh! I'm glad I got something!

Sunday we went to the local zoo. It was great because the exhibits were so hands on.

Reese feeding a bird

Misty's son Spencer. Such a handsome little guy!

Beautiful Bella! You can't see her face, but trust me she is!

Reese was practicing her swimming and she wasn't expecting Darbi to swim over her!
We had such an amazing (and exhausting) time. Thanks so much Misty for having us!

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