Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bachelorette Fun!!

After a fun filled mother-daughter weekend I headed to Savannah to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Fran and Allan. It was her bachelorette weekend. I won't show all the pictures because what happens in Savannah stays in Savannah :-).

We stayed in the cutest house in the historic district. The master bedroom had a beach feel.

The towels were all tied up with ribbons
A nice big bathroom for us to get ready in
Getting ready for our first big night out!
All together Thursday night for dinner at a seafood restaurant
Fran was very proud of the meat she got out of her crab leg
After dinner we headed out for a haunted pub crawl.
Fran and I at one of the bars
Fran with her matron of honor, Heidi and her maid of honor, Sheila. Love these girls!
Heidi, Tiffany (Sheila's daughter), Fran, and Sheila

The lantern our guide used

Fun picture of Fran and Heidi

Decor from the lingerie shower Saturday night

The cake! It had some big boobs!

Heidi and Fran

Oh, what could this be???
Oh yeah!

Blair had to help her figure it out

These are the cookies that I made for the brunch the hostesses threw Sunday morning.

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