Thursday, July 23, 2009

"I want my Ryan"

So tonight was a really, really, really rough night. I had a feeling it was going to be rough because mom told me she acted out in her swim lesson. Whined because she had to go on her back and just acting crabby. Well, my very accurate mommy instinct was right. She reverted back to a 2 year old and kept saying she just couldn't do basically anything. So, I finally had enough and put her in time out. This time out session lasted probably 20 minutes because she kept getting out. She is trying to exert her independence any chance she can get. Mommy of course won out and the time out session ended. So, she's in the tub and she says "I want my Ryan." I ask her why she wants her Ryan. She says "Because I love her." So, I of course have to make sure she's not too mad at me and ask her if she loves me. "Of course mommy, I love you too. I love everybody. But, sometimes when people cry they want something. And I want my Ryan." Well, I guess I know my place! :)

Ryan: Go ahead and gloat and eat it all up. All teasing aside you really are an amazing aunt and it's no surprise she loves you so much. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She is such a smart kid. That little girl knows how to work her family.
PS - Erin to make you feel better she is not a fan of her Aunt Ryan when there are sweets present. She asks for a sweet and I give her a carrot. She'll get it one day. hee hee