Saturday, July 25, 2009

Atlanta Botanical Gardens

We had an absolute blast!!!! I can’t wait to go back with Reese because she really just had a wonderful time. She let me take a million pictures of her and of course that made me happy. I also look forward to going back and just going through the gardens and taking pictures. Even though we still have our challenges I love the age Reese is at right now. When we have outings like this she listens and understands that we have to take turns. We’re going to Disney for a day in September and I’m really looking forward to it! We went 2 years ago and that was rough!

How adorable are these cuties! I got them to pose for a few pictures together before we got to the children's garden.

I love Brady's nose here, hehe!

Turning the corner to go into the children's garden. I love how Brady is trying to get free from the girls.

Whatcha reading????

Let me help you turn the page...

She looks so cutie peeking over the frog's shoulder!

I actually had to ask if this frog was real :)

There is a dinosaur garden where they can dig for "fossils"

She found something more interesting than the fossils.

There is an adorable splash pad that Reese and Darbi had a blast playing in. The boys wanted nothing to do with it. Chickens!
Brady jumped in front of the camera and declared "My turn!"
This is what I used to bribe Reese
Sweet Bliss!!

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