Saturday, June 30, 2012

June Randoms

It's time for June random photos off my phone! :)
We had two visitors in our bed last night and we were kicked out!
After the evening flight coming home from Avery's birthday party we went to Five Guys.  Ro thought it was great!
Big sister can't be left out!
Another tooth is gone!  She has FOUR open spaces at the moment
I took the day off work and spent it with my girls.  We went to Willy's!  My fave place to eat!
Oh Rowan....what are we going to do with you????  Ro wants to help and I really appreciate that.  She took the scoop and got all the poop out.  Great job Ro, but using a bag would have been helpful.  Her hands were NASTY!  Blech!

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