Monday, January 23, 2012

Those Poor Texans

Now that Reese is in first grade and learning so many new things we have some very interesting conversations.  I can tell that she is trying to think and apply all the things she is learning to her every day life.  Case in point our conversation this morning.  I told Reese to go to her room and put on her brown boots.  Here is what followed:

Reese:  "Mommy, you know these boots remind me of cowboy boots.  I know they don't look a whole like cowboy boots but that's what they make me think of."  *sigh* "Those poor, poor people in Texas.  They don't have any water to drink!"

Me:  "Baby, they have water to drink.  They have lakes and streams just like us"

Reese:  "No they don't, they are in DESERT!"

Me:  "Reese, anyone that lives in the desert have pipes that bring them water from other places."

Reese:  "Oh, but really we should help them get food because they don't have any!"

Me:  "They have grocery stores that bring food."

Reese:  "No they don't!  I guess they could go out and just kill a snake and eat it."


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