Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

It was a pretty low key day for us.  Christmas is getting harder and harder to buy presents for the girls.  When Reese was smaller we bought the toy store out and we've since learned she doesn't play with a whole lot and never expects a huge "stash".  So we focused on a few smaller gifts and then Santa brought them a larger gift.  They of course love the Santa gift!  It's not fair the big guy gets all of the credit!

The girls were always fighting over Reese's chair so Ro got one from Santa!

Santa brought Reese a laptop.  I was completely over Reese always hogging the computer so this was a gift her and me!
She loved it!  She wasn't sure if it was really for her. :)

Ro liked her gift as well!

Opening presents is tiring!
We always head to Mom and Dad's for Christmas lunch.  But it's a rule that Christmas is a PJ day!

It's crazy that this is Rowie's 2nd Christmas.  I remember her being this tiny little thing last year that slept through everything.  She was a very active participant this year!  I look forward to what the new year will bring!

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