Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July (The Monsoon)

After we came in from the lake we took a quick shower and headed into town for the parade and then fire works.  The kids really loved the parade because they threw candy.




I can't believe how long Reese's hair is!

We always try and get a picture with them together and it never seems to happen...

Miss Kaylynn was too busy for pictures!


This is soooo Brady!
She melts my heart :-)
Rowie was NOT having the grass!

After the parade we headed to the local high school to watch the fireworks.  The whole town came out so we had to park a mile or so away from the school.  The sky looked awful but I really didn't want to disappoint the kids even though Guy said it was a bad idea to go.  We got a seat on the grass and I picked a spot that was near a small overhang.  The dark clouds kept getting closer and closer and the political speeches just kept going on and on and they seemed to not see the black clouds that continued to get closer.  It was finally ready to start and with the first crack of the firecracker the entire sky lit up with lightning and the there was a loud clap of thunder that seemed to bounce off every single building of the school.  A millisecond later you can see everyone get up from their seat and rush out of the stadium.  We were outside of the stadium and so we didn't have to worry about being trampled.  The clouds opened and it was a torrential downpour.  I immediately move under the overhang with Michelle and we grab onto our babies.  The guys can barely fit as other people saw this small over hang (about 4 ft).  The guys decided they were going to make a mad dash for the car.  We didn't want them to go but didn't see that we had any choice.  Police started gathering and there were missing children in the mad dash of people.  Our poor kids were scared to death (not Kaylynn she just wanted to run out in it!) and I kept trying to calm Reese down.  A police officer came over and said she would take me and Rowan but that was it.  Well, the last thing I could do was leave Reese and Michelle and her kiddos.  So we held out and huddled close to the building (which was under a tree).  The guys finally got the cars close to us.  What cracks me up is that David said he stripped down naked (in the middle of a neighborhood) and put his swim clothes on.  I'm sure that made a great sight!  We all survived but I don't think Guy is ever going to forgive us!  It's just another crazy story me and my BFF share! :-)

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