Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mum Mum!!!

We tried out letting Rowan self feed.  I thought it was going to be too early but once again my girl can master anything involving food!  She may not look like me but she is definitely showing some of my personality traits! :)


Monday, March 21, 2011

Just because....

I haven't picked up the camera often enough with Rowan so David got home early one night and I snapped a few pictures. 

I don't think she was ready for the camera, LOL
Now I'm ready :)

I am really noticing in these pictures just how chubby Rowie is!  She has some massive cheeks!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

1st Solids

I guess it really was a given that Rowie was going to love solid food, LOL.  The doctor didn't want us to introduce cereal because she doesn't really need the carbs.  So, she had sweet potatoes and LOVED it!  Reese had some issues getting used to solids but not Rowie!  I did the best I could with pictures but it's hard to feed and take pictures at the same time :).

All she cared about was watching her big sister


Here is a video of the feeding I took with my phone.  It's my first time uploading a video so I really hope it works!  Please ignore my annoying voice!
Any guesses on how the feeding ended????

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My little chunker!

There is no denying that Rowie is a little chunker.  This was confirmed at her 4 month appointment.  Rowie weighed 16 lbs 4 oz (95th percentile), height 24 1/4 in (50th percentile), and her head was in the 25th percentile.  I'm not quite sure where she got that little head from because David and I have big ole noggins!  She has gotten taller as she was in the 25th percentile at her 2 month appointment.  I'm sure you noticed that I said she was in the 95th percentile for weight!  Rowan gets one formula bottle a day and the doctor wants us to dilute the bottle or give her straight water if she will take it.  She also said that we are to skip the cereal and go straight to veggies as she doesn't need the carbs.  We aren't trying to have her lose weight but just slow down the rate in which she does gain it.  We shall see how she does at her next appointment.  I do love her "little" rolls though.  :-)  I can't believe she's four months old and that it's time to start solids; where has the time gone???