Friday, March 5, 2010

Project 365 59-64

OCD Nightmare!
It took me a very long time to give Reese more than one color at a time.  But, I've finally come to grips with it.  I did try and separate the colors as best as I could!
59/365 OCD Nightmare!

Future Accountant!
I am actually quite surprised they are doing this type of math skill in Pre-K
60/365 Future Accountant!

Burrito Heaven!
I am addicted to Willy's!
61/365 Burrito Heaven

No Cavity Bugs!
Reese did a great job at the dentist.  This time she let them clean her teeth.  When she left she told me "This was the best day ever!"  I guess I'd feel the same way if I got a goody bag and a balloon when I left the dentist!
62/365 No Cavity Bugs!

Reese is very proud of this!
63/365 Award

Orange Seed
64/365 Orange Seed

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