Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Little Helper

Lately Reese has wanted to help out more than ever in the kitchen. If I am doing anything she pulls a chair up to the counter and wants to stir something, ANYTHING! Today we had some friends over to have a traditional New Year’s dinner and of course Reese wanted to help out. I had all of the ingredients to my cake lying out and was waiting for the butter and eggs to warm up to room temperature. Reese saw those eggs and she felt that it was her job to protect them. I told her to be very careful because they could break. She assured me she would be “dentle” so I let her go on her merry way. About 5 minutes later I of course hear one of them drop on the kitchen floor. She looked down at the egg all over the floor with wide eyes. She frowns and said “Mommy it was an accident” and took that remaining egg and pushed it into her belly so she wouldn’t drop it. She then put both of her hands over it to give the extra protection that it deserved. Well she protected it a little too much and the next thing I see is egg oozing between her fingers. She stood there in complete shock and then oh did she cry. She kept saying over and over that it was an accident. Poor thing was so upset. So, I had to change her adorable outfit and clean her up. But, I think she learned her lesson :).

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